my occasional musings on life, love, art, perfume ... what else is there?


This Says It All ... and Happy Valentine's Day.


by Thomas Hood

No morning ever seemed so long!---
I tried to read with all my might!
In my left hand 'My Landlord's Tales,'
And threepence ready in my right.

'Twas twelve at last---
my heart beat high!---
The Postman rattled at the door!---
And just upon her road to church, I dropt the 'Bride of Lammermoor!'

I seized the note---I flew upstairs---
Flung-to the door, and lock'd me in---
With panting haste I tore the seal---
And kiss'd the B in Benjamin!

'Twas full of love---to rhyme with dove---
And all that tender sort of thing---
Of sweet and meet---and heart and dart---
But not a word about a ring!---

In doubt I cast it in the flame,
And stood to watch the latest spark---
And saw the love all end in smoke---
Without a Parson and a Clerk!


Blogger Doug The Una said...

VALENTINE'S DAY, n. A scheduled affliction for men and a placebo for women.

You got the mood right this year, Mireille. I should have trusted you. Remember Ogre Day tomorrow. And happy Valentine's Day.

3:45 AM

Blogger TLP said...

Well Hood wrote this in a letter to his wife:

"I never was anything, dearest, till I knew you; and I have been a better, happier, and more prosperous man ever since. Lay by that truth in lavender, sweetest, and remind me of it when I fail. I am writing warmly and fondly, but not without good cause. First, your own affectionate letter, lately received; next, the remembrances of our dear children; then a delicious impulse to pour out the overflowings of my heart into yours; and last, not least, the knowledge that your dear eyes will read what my hand is now writing."

11:45 AM

Blogger mireille said...

Actonbell and Lucy, you know my real self. I put up this poem in honor of Doug, whose favorite holiday, Ogre Day, is tomorrow. It was just to make him happy. You know cynical and cold hearted he is. Heh. xoxo

5:59 PM


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