my occasional musings on life, love, art, perfume ... what else is there?


Presenting ... JUNE!

With many thanks to Wikipedia for the JuneFacts, and to Bob (whose birthday is today ... Happy Birthday!), Whose Grass Is Always Greener.

Today's post hails June, the sixth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of four with the length of 30 days.

June begins (astrologically) with the sun in the sign of Gemini and ends in the sign of Cancer.

Astronomically speaking, the sun begins in the constellation of Taurus and ends in the constellation of Gemini.

The month is named for the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter. In old Japanese calendar, the month is called Minatsuki. In Finnish, the month is called kesäkuu, meaning "month of summer".

The first Monday in June is one of the public holidays in the Republic of Ireland; in the Irish Calendar the month is called Meitheamh and is the middle month of the Summer season.

The solstice called the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere occurs around June 21 [which incidentally IS MY BIRTHDAY]. In the pagan wheel of the year the summer solstice is the time of Litha and the winter solstice is that of Yule. Midsummer is celebrated in Sweden on the third Friday in June.

Father's Day is celebrated in Belgium on the second Sunday in June and in the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Canada on the third Sunday in June.

Gay pride celebrations in many countries in honor of the Stonewall riots.

The majority of the Portland Rose Festival occurs.

No other month begins on the same day of the week as June.

June's flower is the rose.

June's birthstone is the pearl.

Today's fragrance: Ormonde Jayne Ta'if, which I would wear every day if it weren't unseemly. I'm in a Mideast rose garden behind a wall -- the dry sandy smell of broom cut with the strange sweetness of dates ... and medieval arabic roses all around. A scent for a Crusade, God help us ... and my Holy Grail.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Green, did you say green? Thanks for all the Junian facts and let this be the first happy birthday greeting to you, 20 days early though (and because) it is.
Laura/laurelines (to distinguish myself from that other Laura, kyahgirl ;D)

7:39 AM

Blogger Kyahgirl said...

Hey, I always get an education when I come to your blog!! I'll never forget your birthday now. June 21st is a special day, happy and sad. Where I live, it is light from about 4 A.M. until Midnight. Then we begin the slow descent into winter...
(although I don't mind sharing an identity with Ms laurelines :-D )

7:55 AM

Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Thank you, M. for all these great facts about June, many unknown to me!

As usual, your visuals are stunning. You have the eye of a visual artist most definitely.

8:38 AM

Blogger mireille said...

ahhh, my favorite Lauras!! Happy June to both of you (and yes, Green! Wonder where I got that??!!)

8:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just have to wedge in here with these *Lauras*, two women I admire...with a name that provokes thoughts of beautiful artifacts on a pretty woman's bed side table, flowery chintz covered chairs in an enclosed porch, and lovely femininity from another era.

Love that name. Can you tell? It goes right along with June...the most beautiful month for me in all of my childhood memories. It was the starting line of summer excursions into the woods and deep culverts of Olympia and unbridled freedom to any place accessible by a bike.

Pearls and roses and lush green lawns. They accompany nicely that most unique name *Mireille*. It's a name full of both romance and intelligence. So appropriate for a baby girl born in June, and given to another woman whom I admire deeply. Happy June dear M. May it be filled with fresh fragrant air and many warm moments in the sun.



8:40 AM

Blogger mireille said...

ohhhhhhhh, dearest B and C. thank you!

8:43 AM

Blogger WinterWheat said...

I had no idea your blog was so educational! June 21, eh? Does that make you a Gemini? Air sign. Good one. Supposed to get along with Libra (my sign). Experience bears this out. Geminis are cool. Mereille is cool.

9:24 AM

Blogger mireille said...

thanks, K. And welcome back from NYC!

9:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ditto on laura and laura and barbara's comments. Lots of facts about June I didn't know. In Florida, it's the start of the hurricane season so it's big day here too.

7:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooops, forgot to say thank you for visiting my blog and your comments too.

7:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this post! June makes me think of first strawberries of the year (in Eastern Europe/Ukraine the season starts in June). When I was in Poland last year conducting my field research by interviewing various ministers, I spent in-between time eating 1kg of strawberries a day, drinking coffee at outdoor cafes in Warsaw and visiting nearby castles. One wonders why I collected as little data on that trip as I did!

7:47 AM


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