my occasional musings on life, love, art, perfume ... what else is there?


I Confess

I confess to Crocs. I ordered a pair. They're black, the professional model. My doctor wears pink ones. Just sayin'.

(note to SSG: What?! They're supposed to be comfortable and I'm hoping they'll make my feet stop hurting. Just don't look at 'em.)


Blogger katiedid said...

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11:28 AM

Blogger Trina said...

They're not comfy? Boo! Hiss! I've been considering the Scutes >:~(

Guess I'll stick with my birkis.

3:36 PM

Blogger mireille said...

T, they ARE supposed to be comfy ... I'm waiting and hoping ... and thank you for the holiday wishes, sweetie.

8:16 PM

Blogger Doug The Una said...

What a croc?

Rabbit, rabbit

(You'll explain this later?)

2:17 AM

Blogger Lila said...

They are comfortable....

Rabbit, rabbit!

8:05 AM


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