my occasional musings on life, love, art, perfume ... what else is there?


An Ill Wind Blowing

Reading so many people's blogs today, what struck out at me was the use of the word apocalyptic in much more than one instance.

I wonder if there is some subliminal sense in our national psyche that we are being warned.

Warned about arrogance in our sense of economic entitlement ($3.00 a gallon? How dare they?! When Europeans pay upward of $5.00 a gallon and use less per capita) ...

Warned of the karma of preemptive attacks (our first occurred two years ago, and a shameful event it has turned out to be) ...

Warned about our poor stewardship of the earth, this home we were given ...

Warned that nations attempting to become empires have always heretofore ended up a pile of rocks and/or historic memory ...

But are we capable of heeding a warning? Or are we only capable of staying the course?


Blogger Urban Chick said...

a brilliant post, M

you make some excellent points

i really hope for all our sakes that things don't come crashing down around your ears, but i can't help feeling that that is one possible trajectory if the 'warnings' are not heeded

i feel like i have a hangover today - a hangover from seeing and hearing of all the awfulness


2:21 AM

Blogger TLP said...

But what can the typical person do? Some people elected a jerk for president. (NOT me.) This "man" can't lead. We're in real trouble.

10:24 AM

Blogger dddragon said...

Yesterday I paid $50 for 15.629 gallons of gas. It makes us rethink what trips we might take, which of our kid's marching band events we'll see ...

12:17 PM

Blogger Lila said...

You're right. We should all be taking this as a major reminder to think about how fortunate we are... and how the majority of Americans have/use more than our share of just about everything. We need to re-think what we call "the good life" -- it's not about "stuff".

12:23 PM


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