my occasional musings on life, love, art, perfume ... what else is there?


Old Clothes

The plaintive theme of Simon and Garfunkel's Bookends...

Time it was, and what a time it was, it was
A time of innocence, a time of confidences
Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph
Preserve your memories;
They're all that's left you

... uses photographs to preserve memories. I use my old clothes.

Try as I might to stuff history into a bag for our neighborhood's version of Goodwill, I can't let go of a certain pink robe, certain blue flowered underwear, two oversize black sweaters (threadbare and dating from 1988) and a beautiful but dated gray knit dress.

I don't know what I'm going to do with them, except let them rot in my closet and bureau. Maybe they'll serve as a shroud: bury me in them.

But I can't let them go. They comfort me.


Blogger Doug The Una said...

Can you quilt 'em?

10:59 AM

Blogger mireille said...

I'm gonna quilt you, Mr. Helpful. xoxo

11:20 AM

Blogger Doug The Una said...

Isn't it right that yesterday be tomorrow's blanket? Zockso!

12:55 PM

Blogger Ariel the Thief said...

You quilt Pascover? Have you already decided what to do with his head?

I like your idea, being buried in your favourite pieces of clothes, those that have seen bad times and good times with you.

1:55 PM

Blogger tsduff said...

I think you would feel great wrapped up in a blanket composed of your favorite clothes. My Sweetie's Mom (she is a wizard with a sewing machine) made him a quilt out of all his old clothes - flannel shirts, jeans etc. It is on our bed.

10:40 AM

Blogger Ariel the Thief said...

Terry, that's wonderful!

11:25 AM

Blogger Doug The Una said...

I won this round!

1:10 PM

Blogger mireille said...

So you think, Pascover. So you think. xoxo

6:20 PM

Blogger Nessa said...

I think a quilt is a great idea too. Send all your clothes to Doug and he can do it for you.

10:05 AM

Blogger Bobby D. said...

I actually made a small crazy quilt out of my old clothes, and I've used it for a decade and find it very comforting....I look at the pieces and recall each skirt dress, top and places I wore is like a scrapbook. Never thought of it that way, and I ought to start another one.

6:48 PM


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